

布鲁斯·米. 皮特曼中心







Nominations are currently being requested for the 2023-24 University 奖s for Excellence in the 教师 奖 Categories. 颁奖典礼一般在春末学期举行. We will provide more information about the format and details about the ceremony later in spring semester.

提交截止日期: 提名截止日期已延长至二月二日(星期五). 2024年9月9日,所有奖项. 查看以下具体的奖项细节,了解提交要求. 所有奖项均为 通过此表格提交 除非另有说明.


该奖项成立于2006年,旨在表彰作为研究生导师的研究生教师的努力,并以其第一位获奖者命名, Donald L. 克劳福德. 该奖项是研究生学院继续努力支持365滚球官网研究生优秀指导的一部分. 


该奖项是研究生学院继续努力支持和认可365滚球官网研究生优秀教学的一部分. 许多形式的教学存在于整个研究生院的经历中, 包括教学课程和实验室, 指导和建议学生, and assisting professors in teaching and developing course materials for on-campus and off-campus students. 学生, faculty and staff are encouraged to nominate outstanding graduate students for these 奖.


该奖项是研究生学院持续努力的一部分,旨在表彰和鼓励365滚球官网研究生在研究和创造性活动方面的卓越表现. 学生, faculty and staff are encouraged to nominate outstanding graduate students for this award.


博士后导师奖是为了表彰那些对365滚球官网博士后365滚球官网/研究员表现出卓越支持和指导的教师. The award is presented by the College of Graduate Studies and the Office of 研究 and Economic Development.


杰出博士后365滚球官网/研究员奖是研究生学院和研究与经济发展办公室持续努力的一部分,旨在表彰和鼓励365滚球官网博士后在研究和其他创造性活动方面的卓越表现. 教师, staff and students are encouraged to nominate an outstanding postdoctoral scholar/fellow for this award.


卓越研究和创意活动奖的设立是为了表彰和鼓励各种形式的学术研究和创意活动的卓越表现. 一名符合条件的教员将获得5000美元的奖励.


The 通识教育教学奖 recognizes individuals who demonstrate teaching excellence and passion in advancing the skills, 通过学生的知识和兴趣 通识教育课程 他在365滚球官网工作. This includes engaging students through innovative practices that support student achievement, student access and student problem-solving skills that align with General Education Learning Outcomes.

: $1,500

资格: 适用于临时教师讲座, 教练, 高级讲师, 助理教授, 在通识教育项目中讲授一门或多门课程超过两年的副教授和正教授.

提名: It is the responsibility of the nominator and nominee to gather and submit all necessary materials.

材料要求: 每位被提名人需要提供以下材料:

  1. 上传以下所有材料使用 优秀奖提名表格.
  2. 单位管理员(主席)的两页提名信, 部门主管, 副院长, or Dean) or colleague that describes how nominee has demonstrated excellence in advancing the skills, 通过学生的知识和兴趣 通识教育课程 并确认被提名人符合资格要求;
  3. two-page candidate statement from the nominee that describes their efforts related to 通识教育 (e.g., 被提名人如何帮助学生取得通识教育成果, 采用创新的教学实践, promotes disciplinary methods for inquiry of non-majors); and
  4. 展示创新作业的材料, 活动, 或者相关的教学策略, engaging and effective with a one-page statement that describes the course and explains how this innovation is used in class.

评价: 提名者将由五名UCGE成员组成的奖项小组委员会根据UCGE委员会批准的评估标准进行系统审查. Any ties will be settled by the consensus of the full UCGE committee (both voting and ex-officio members).

This 奖 recognizes an individual who has demonstrated exemplary service to the University of Idaho General Education Program. 这种服务支持提高学生成绩的实践, student access and student problem-solving skills that align with General Education Learning Outcomes.

: $1,500

资格: Available to any member of the university community that supports the General Education program.

提名: It is the responsibility of the nominator and nominee to gather and submit all necessary materials.

材料要求: 每位被提名人需要提供以下材料:

  1. 上传以下所有材料使用 优秀奖提名表格.
  2. 两页的提名信,来自大学社区的另一名成员,描述被提名人如何示范支持 通识教育; and
  3. two letters of support (two-page limit) from individuals familiar with the nominee’s efforts to support 通识教育.

评价: 提名者将由五名UCGE成员组成的奖项小组委员会根据UCGE委员会批准的评估标准进行系统审查. Any ties will be settled by the consensus of the full UCGE committee (both voting and ex-officio members).

“卓越教学奖”旨在表彰在教学工作中表现卓越和对学生有强烈奉献精神的模范教师. 该奖项旨在鼓励和奖励追求卓越的教师,并展示教学对我校的价值.

卓越教学奖于1990年设立. 这笔5000美元的奖金提供给董事会指定的全职教师. 符合条件的学院包括临床, 教练, 研究 and Tenured faculty who have completed at least three years teaching 他在365滚球官网工作. Most nominees for the 卓越教学奖 are faculty who have completed six or more years at U of I.


材料要求: 每位被提名人需要提供以下材料:

  1. 上传以下所有材料使用 优秀奖提名表格.
  2. Nomination letter from a university community member identifying why the nominee deserves to be recognized for their teaching.
  3. Selected U of I CV highlighting your teaching related activities; include a list of courses (complete with dates, 教学模式和班级规模),你是记录的讲师和所有其他教学,你已经从事(e).g.、工作坊及研讨会).
  4. 一页的教学卓越和影响陈述(单行距), 12号字体, 小不点利润率). 解释是什么使你的教学优秀、有效或创新. This can include novel approaches to teaching, student engagement, integration of technology, 等. 你所做的对学生学习有影响的与众不同的事情是什么, 参与和/或成功? 此外,思考一下随着职业的发展,你将如何成长为一名教师. 你会如何改变或改进你目前的做法?
  5. 支持材料包括以下内容:
    • 一封支持信 由你的系主任/单位主管或熟悉你的教学的同事,说明你的教学优势和对学生学习的影响(最多一页). The letter should focus on supporting material you listed in your Statement of Instructional Excellence and Impact.
    • 教学评估 that include end of course assessment as well as narrative commentary about your teaching.
    • 附录教材 that best demonstrate your commitment to teaching excellence / effectiveness and your Statement of Instructional Excellence and Impact. 提供 最多三个例子,不超过10页 在总.
      • 必须为所有补充材料提供一个简短的声明,说明每个工件如何展示您在教学卓越和影响声明(第3部分)中的主张.
      • 例子包括, 但不限于, 课程教学大纲, 教学创新的证据, 示范性课程设计, 参与策略, 管理和使用教学材料, 新项目, 学生反馈和教学影响的证据.

If you have questions about this, feel free to contact the University Teaching Committee.

遵守所有的页面限制. 超出页面限制的数据包将被不加考虑地返回.

霍夫曼卓越教学奖旨在表彰那些在教学中表现出色、对学生有强烈奉献精神的模范教师. 该奖项旨在鼓励和奖励追求卓越的教师,并展示教学对我校的价值.

霍夫曼卓越教学奖设立于2007年. 这1美元,500 award is designated for full-time faculty who have completed at least three years teaching at U of I but no more than six years. 有资格获得该奖项的教师包括教师, 临床教职员工和终身教职员工.


  1. 上传以下所有材料使用 优秀奖提名表格.
  2. Nomination letter from a university community member identifying why the nominee deserves to be recognized for their teaching.
  3. Selected U of I CV highlighting your teaching related activities; include a list of courses (complete with dates, 教学模式和班级规模),你是记录的讲师和所有其他教学,你已经从事(e).g. 工作坊及研讨会).
  4. 一页的教学卓越和影响陈述(单行距), 12号字体, 小不点利润率). 解释是什么使你的教学优秀、有效或创新. This can include novel approaches to teaching, student engagement, integration of technology, 等. 你所做的对学生学习有影响的与众不同的事情是什么, 参与和/或成功? 此外,思考一下随着职业的发展,你将如何成长为一名教师. 你会如何改变或改进你目前的做法?
  5. 支持材料包括以下内容:
    • 一封支持信 由你的系主任/单位主管或熟悉你的教学的同事,说明你的教学优势和对学生学习的影响(最多一页). The letter should focus on supporting material you listed in your Statement of Instructional Excellence and Impact.
    • 教学评估 that include end of course assessment as well as narrative commentary about your teaching.
    • 附录教材 that best demonstrate your commitment to teaching excellence / effectiveness and your Statement of Instructional Excellence and Impact. 提供 最多三个例子,不超过10页 在总.
      • 必须为所有补充材料提供一个简短的声明,说明每个工件如何展示您在教学卓越和影响声明(第3部分)中的主张.
      • 例子包括, 但不限于, 课程教学大纲, 教学创新的证据, 示范性课程设计, 参与策略, 管理和使用教学材料, 新项目, 学生反馈和教学影响的证据.


遵守所有的页面限制. 超出页面限制的数据包将被不加考虑地返回.

卓越顾问奖旨在表彰那些对学生需求表现出强烈奉献精神的模范顾问,以及在大学内外激励学生发现和实现其全部潜力的热情. It is intended to encourage and reward advisors for excellence and show the value advisors hold for our university.



Materials: It is the responsibility of the nominator and the nominee to gather and submit all necessary materials:



  1. 上传以下所有材料使用 优秀奖提名表格
  2. 个人背景陈述和咨询理念
    • Limit your response to three pages with 12号字体, single spaced, one-inch margins.
    • Include a brief job context statement describing how advising undergraduate students is part of your position at UI.
    • 描述你的建议实践是如何与以下内容相一致的 NACADA核心价值观: respect, inclusivity, commitment, professionalism, empowerment, integrity and caring.
    • 包括你的建议哲学,并描述你如何超越你的工作职责提供优秀的建议,以及你的努力如何影响学生的成功.
  3. Copy of your current resume/curriculum vitae that highlights your advising accomplishments (最多五页).
    • 一定要包括个人简历和365滚球官网, 以及关于你的就业建议的相关信息, 奖, 专业协会服务与专业发展.
  4. 一份提名信(两页的最大),由提名人以外的任何人提供.e.(学生、同事、导师).
  5. 一封推荐信(两页的最大)从同事或主管那里.
  6. 一封推荐信(两页的最大)从现在或以前的顾问.
  7. 不超过5件文物,提供证据或最好地展示你对你所服务的学生的承诺和/或卓越的建议实践.
    • 伪造证据的例子包括, 但不局限于电子邮件通信, 学生对教师的评价, 建议使用的材料, 参与策略, 等.
    • 注:必须为所有证据的人工制品提供上下文这是你创造的东西还是你仅仅利用的东西? 它是如何使用的??)

的博士. 阿瑟·麦克斯韦尔·泰勒卓越多样性奖 was established in 2014 to be given to a University of Idaho faculty and staff member for excellence in diversity and will recognize exceptional performance in at least three areas: has demonstrated or promoted a continuous commitment to diversity and inclusion on campus through tangible actions; sponsored or coordinated programs on campus that have cultivated diversity and inclusion; or has exceptional work in the area of diversity and inclusion that has encouraged dialogue, 提升反射, 建立社区或激发行动. 该奖项包括4000美元的酬金. 了解更多关于该奖项的信息.

卓越外展和参与奖将颁发给365滚球官网的一名教员,该教员在奖学金和与个人合作的情况下,在外展和参与方面表现出色, 社区, 在伙伴关系和互惠的背景下的组织或企业. 了解更多关于该奖项的信息.

跨学科或合作卓越奖的设立是为了表彰和表彰跨学科或合作努力的教师. The individual(s) must have contributed to substantial and lasting connections to people, 单位, 365滚球官网的课程或部门. 提名是通过 优秀奖提名表格.


This award was established in 2011-12 to acknowledge achievements made by gifted faculty usually during the middle of their career, 谁表现出对杰出奖学金的承诺, 教学与参与. Eligible faculty will have completed three years of full-time service at the university in either tenured, 终身跟踪, 或者是非终身教职的教授级别, 包括全体教职工. 每年有多达9个奖项颁发给教职员工. 联系院长办公室了解学院内部的截止日期. 院长的最终提名将提交给委员会 奖项递交表格.


University of Idaho seeks nominations for faculty eligible for the rank of 大学特聘教授. This rank will be bestowed on U of I faculty annually in recognition of sustained excellence, 由同辈评判, 在学术, creative and artistic achievement; breadth and depth of teaching in their discipline; and university service as well as service involving the application of scholarship, creative or artistic activities that address the needs of one or more external publics. 杰出教授的提名将提交给 奖项递交表格.



布鲁斯·米. 皮特曼中心


